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Mexico - Climate

The climate varies according to altitude and rainfall. The tropical and subtropical zone (tierra caliente), ranging from sea level to about 900 m, consists of the coastal plains, the Yucatán Peninsula, and the lower areas of southern Mexico. 

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In essence the climate throughout much of Mexico is characterized by high temperatures and moderate to low rainfall. The highland climates vary considerably with elevation, but the central plateau generally has a moderate climate with few extremes of hot or cold. 

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Mexico City, for example, has an average July high temperature of 23°C and an average January high temperature of 21°C. Cities at lower elevations on the plateau have somewhat warmer climates. The northern and central areas of the plateau are arid and semiarid, with the drier regions receiving about 300 mm of rainfall annually. 

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Rainfall increases in the southern regions of the plateau, which receive about 500 to 650 mm of rainfall annually, with most of it typically falling in the summer. 

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